

Please provide a valid card size or e-card only.
Please provide a valid stickers - round 50mm (optional).

Sample  Dynamic E-Card

Please provide a valid delivery.
Cart Item Total: $0.00

Order will be process 30-45 days prior to the event date. If you need the card urgently, pls call 8787 0055 after the confirmation.

Draft will be created for your approval before printing. Pls provide a valid mobile number during the checkout process to enable us to contact you.

Please provide a valid event date.
Please provide a valid event time.
Please provide a valid event venue / address.
Please provide a valid couple name - cover page.
Please provide a valid groom name.
Please provide a valid bride name.
Please provide a valid parents name.
Please provide a valid parents name 2 (for joint wedding).
Please provide a valid contact person/number to be appear on card.
Please provide a valid remarks / additional details (optional).
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